Tuesday, March 29, 2011

proud moments

Looks like most of my posts are kid moments eh?  oh well....my kids out number my dates anway. Well that sounds pathetic...oh well it is what it is.  So proud mom moment.  My son Jacob is now a patrol leader for Troop 13.  I know he's not thrilled about it but he's gonna do it and they will hold him accountable for it.  It'll be a growing experience for him. I am excited to see how this turns out.

Another proud mom moment.  Our friends son is having surgery tomorrow.  He has moebus(sp?) which is the disorder where he does not have a lot of facial movement and they will be implanting am muscle from either his ribs or his leg to his face to give him more movement.  They announce this at scouts to keep him and his family in our prayers, I ask all of you reading this to do the same please, and Jessie is in tears.  She goes and hugs his parents and him and is genuinely concerned for him. Its a wonderful thing to see your children grow and show empathy for other kids.  I know Jess will have him in her thoughts as will I.  If his mom happens to read this, we all love you and the rest of your family and will be thinking of you all day.  I know he is gonna be fine and i hope he gets the results he wants!

Again this just proves what a wonderful family scouts is and I am so glad to be part of it.  Yes it gets aggravating at times and i dont get along with everyone but isnt that true for every family?  I know that if anything ever happened there are core scout people that i could turn to who would always be there for me and i hope they know i would do the same for them.

Ok enough sappy friend and family love and all that stuff...i am gonna go to bed and hopefully fall into a short coma and get some sleep and wake up with no cough.  wish me luck on that please!!!

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