Saturday, March 26, 2011

darn it i missed one!!!

ok so i missed a day! I am very sorry.  UPdate on Jared's big Robert Crown trip...they did not have a giant plastic penis..they had girl parts!!!!   When Jared said that i quickly asked for clarification and he was made to look at a uterus!! The horror!!!Jacob B was also tortured with the uterus.  Thank goodness they didn't have to touch it. 

on to crazy dating story!!!!!

This morning i get a text at 6am that i sleep thru until 6:30ish and i recognize the number but can't place it.  I am also not a morning person so really not a good time to be racking my brain too hard.  So i text back "who is this".  The return text is "its me i got off early from work and thought i would say hi".  Oh well that solves everything!!!  Obviously i asked who it was cuz i didnt know!!! Telling me that its you at 6:30am before my first cola of the day doesnt help.  I text back "hi but still dont know who you are".  Well lo and behold it Dave the guy who big loser meany hermit dude that dumped me Valentine's Day weekend and left me by myself with no kids on the biggest Hallmark holiday of the year!!!!!  Can you tell I am totally over it? He proceeds to tell me(via text) that he hit a rough patch and would like to explain over lunch or something and would really like a chance to see me again.  I, being the nice person I am and soooooo over being dumped on Valentine's Day, say maybe.  Let's look at this little situation here.  About a month and half go by and now you want to see me?  No message like a week later like hey i got your other messages but i got something big going on now that i can't explain.  Nothing for a month and a half since he cut off all what's the deal?  I am torn about meeting him at all.One part of me says meet him so i can give some really sarcastic mean statement and be done with it.  One part of me says meet him and listen to what he has to say and then give him some really sarcastic mean heart wrenching barb that sends him spiraling into some other dimension of torment.  Ok really i am over being dumped Valentine's Day weekend.  then one part of me says just listen to him and if nothing else you have someone to go watch a movie with or have a few drinks with cuz he was a nice guy.  Obviously my different personalities are in conflict with each other.   Decisions decisions!!! 

Just a note....2 years ago today my mother-in-law Ida Eaton passed away. She was a wonderful person and I was I had told her more while she was here.  She not only took me into her home when i needed one as she did with many others, but she loved everyone with all she was.  I love you Mom and we miss you.


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