Monday, April 18, 2011

breakfast and anniversaries

Ahhh the joys and pains of fundraising.  Scouts is definitely a worthy cause and Mark and I both put plenty of time into it and sometimes you, ok I,  really question whether its all worth it.  I am sure some other parents do too.  It sucks up so much time and effort and its always the same parents doing the same work while the other parents complain about how they just don't have time after work or no money or the sky is blue or it was too get my drift.  Then you finish the fundraiser that takes months of preparation to accomplish, arguing with parents about donations, and money, and having their son work and how hard he did work or didn't work.  Look people I will be the first one to admit that my 14 year old son hid in a room so he didn't have to work.  Some of us just need to face the fact that the teenagers dont want to work, we have to make them work, they hate it, and us sometimes, but in the long run when they are older and successful we will be glad we did it.  SO after a day when i had to get up at an ungodly hour to do a ton of work I didnt really have to do, I look back and realize that it soooo is all worth it.  The boys have male leadership they look up to and admire, they get to do things they probably wouldnt have done outside of scouts, some of them have made friends that they will have for a lifetime that we as parents actually know and approve of.  Then on the other hand there are the benefits to me.  I can send my kids away to camp for at least one week during the summer.  I have made my own friends that i will hopefully have for a lifetime, ok some of them are lesbians, have bugs, are tall crazy German women, one is really cuuute,one is angry, one is married to the angry one, one's a cat, one's married to a cat, one loves anything with bacon and cheese, and the new ones? well i am sure they will show their crazy quirks in due time.  Hey beggar's can't be choosers right??  I hope you guys know i love you all!!

Oh yeah....the Pancake Breakfast was a success and thanks to everyone who came out to support us and to all the crazy people i worked with all day!

Well Sunday was my 18th wedding anniversary.  It was quite priceless to see the uncomfortable looks on people's faces when i said its was our anniversary.  Well thats 18 years that i wouldnt trade...the good the bad or the ugly...ok maybe i would trade the ugly part but not really.  This is life people, the good the bad and the ugly.  You can't just skip over it.  I am soo not saying its easy....cuz its not....its one of the hardest things i have ever had to go through. But i made it....i can't say i am totally over it...or ever will be.  But life goes on.  We learn from it, hopefully change a bit, cuz if we dont learn from our own mistakes whats the point?  I still believe in marriage and love.  I still think i will get married again.  Will I ever love someone like I loved Mark? Probably not but why would i?  It'll be different cuz it will be a different person.  So ladies, and gentlemen, I whole heartedly believe that there is someone out there for all of us.  Be open to it, send love out to the universe and it will return.

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