i wrote an entire post and really can't even bring myself to post it cuz its filled with hatred and nastiness and i dont want to be that person. I dont want to be so weak of a person that i can let someone else's nastiness infect me, so on to happier things.
Spring finally looks like it might be here for awhile!!! Spring break wasnt the greatest of weather but Friday was beautiful and I spent the day with the kids at Lincoln Park Zoo. It was a wonderful day, and it doesnt hurt that i love that my kids still like going to the zoo with me(secretely i still love the zoo but dont tell them that). Ok they are a little bored with my same old same old weird animal trivia but they survive it. Saturday got the first plants of the season in, let's see if these survive. I am not known for having a green thumb unfortunately. The bare spot under my bay window is testimony to that. But i try every year and someday i will have a beautiful, blossoming flower garden. Sunday was a wonderful day of shopping with my girls. Kait is growing into quite a, dare i say it?, teenage girl!!! She picked out some clothes, let jess pick a shirt for her, and even picked out a pair of shoes!! This might not seem momentous to other mom's with girls but for kait it is. I had even sworn off shoe shopping with Kait cuz it involved yelling and crying and swearing and that was just my part. I both love and hate watching my kids grow into young adults, its so bittersweet.
As for my dating life, well i barely have one. I did go out Saturday night with the valentine's day ditcher, it would be simpler to call him VD but that would give the wrong impression i think. So we went out for some food then went for a drive and wound up making out like teenagers. Soooo lame but its been awhile for me ok? cut me some slack. Well yeah whats happens to teenagers when they make out in a car??? They get told by the police to move on like i did saturday night. I know i should be ashamed and embarrased but i could only laugh!!!! Even while the flashlight was shining on us, and honestly we were only kissing, I could only laugh and laugh and laugh. I honestly believe kissing is highly underrated and getting caught kissing someone i was enjoying kissing was actually pretty fun. So thanks for a fun saturday night of food and fun and kissing, even if we did get caught!!! :)
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