I really think my Monday started Sunday night. That's when Kyle currently 8 and hoping to live till he turns 9 shaved part of his head. Why you might ask? Just to see what a razor felt like. Logical, to an 8 year old. This was after Kyle disappeared twice this weekend and is now grounded till there is snow on the ground. I really really don't like when they get to the testing phase. They've got to test the boundaries and see how far they can go. Or if they can really get mom to have a nervous breakdown maybe? The problem for my kids is they just dont realize how far over the edge I already am. Frankly a bald spot on Kyle's head is the least of my worries.
Closer to the top of the list is the small personal loan I have to take out to finish up school supplies including the two Texas Instrument calculators I need to buy for Jacob and Kaitlyn. What happened to those ridiculous word problems that we had to do in grade school where one train was leaving Chicago at 8am moving 82.78miles per hour and another train is leaving Detroit at 8:17 moving at 97.3 miles an hour and you have to figure out what direction the conductor is facing in the second train if we are in central standard time. They made no sense and no matter what answer you put down they were always wrong. Now these calculators range in a variety of models and of course you have to have the graphing TI900xrtqrs with modular something that costs a bazillion dollars. I think the schools should buy a number of them and they stay in the classroom.
Then Jacob tells me he has an F in lit. Its the third day of school so how could he possibly have an F????oh yeah cuz mom didnt go buy him a binder this weekend and that is worth 10points and he got 0 out of 10......way to go super mom!! Like I dont have enough stuff to feel guilty about without adding this to the list.
My work hours also changed today to a later start so I can drive the kids to school. I also have to work later but the kids only wind up being home for about 2 hours by themselves. I am very thankful that I have a boss willing to be flexible with my schedule. I also officially took over as "Customer Service Manager" today which kinda is just office manager. Out of 5 people I got one congratulations, one smile, one dirty look, and two non-responses. Wooohooooo go me!!!!
So on to my late trip to Walmart to get Jacob his binder so he doesnt have to redo 8th grade. Walmart the meca of school supply shoppers had one pack of regular pencils that was broken open and all other pencils were mechanical pencils! Not one stinking pack of pink erasers and not a ruler in sight!! Ok granted I am shopping late but I just had to finish up some odds and ends and did not think it would be quite this difficult. Never fear Jacob got his binder so he will not be 18 and still in 8th grade.
In conclusion....It was definitely a Monday.
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